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R&S®ZVB Vector Network Analyzers
Категория - Анализаторы
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Frequency ranges from 10 MHz to 14 GHz and 20 GHz, with two or four test portsKey Facts
- Short measurement times
- Wide dynamic range
- High output power
- Wide power sweep range
- Balanced measurements
- Parallel measurements
- Innovative user interface
- Convenient and flexible analysis function
Brief Description
- Built using innovative hardware and software concepts, the vector network analyzers of the R&S®ZVB family set new standards: One generator can feed two test ports simultaneously. This makes parallel measurements possible, significantly increasing performance despite the complexity of the measurement task at hand.
- Characteristics The R&S®ZVB series of vector network analyzers covers the frequency ranges from 10 MHz to 14/20 GHz. It has been designed for universal measurements on passive and active components. The R&S®ZVB series greatly simplifies vector network analysis especially for multiport measurements and measurements on balanced devices. Featuring comprehensive measurement functions, excellent specifications, high measurement and data transfer speeds and remote-control capability, the analyzers of the R&S®ZVB series are an ideal choice for both development and production applications. The compact versions of the 14 GHz and 20 GHz two-port models leave ample room for test setups in the lab, featuring a height of only 24 cm and a depth of 42 cm.
- New multiport concept
- Instruments with two or four test ports – for multiport and balanced measurements
- Two internal sources (four-port models) – to provide RF and LO signals for mixer measurements by means of a single unit
- Capability to perform balanced measurements – to characterize balanced DUTs by their mixed mode S-parameters
- Optional automatic calibration units – to speed up calibration and avoid operator errors
- Outstanding specifications (best values chosen)
- 60001 points per trace
- Dynamic range better than 123 dB (typ. 130 dB)
- Power sweep range >50 dB (typ.)
- High speed
- Measurement time < 4.5 ms for 201 test points (frequency sweep)
- Switching time between channels < 1 ms
- Switching time between instrument setups < 10 ms
- Data transfer time < 0.7 ms (201 test points via RSIB)
- Simultaneous measurement of more than one DUT
- Modern user interface
- Intuitive Windows-based operation via mouse
- Operation by means of hardkeys and softkeys
- Large number of channels, traces and setups that can be loaded simultaneously
- New multiport concept
Features & Benefits
- High performance for fast and reliable measurements
- Reflectometers with separate measurement and reference channels
- Parallel measurements on multiple ports
- Data processing and transfer simultaneously with measurement
- DC bias for active DUTs
- Ergonomic user interface
- User-configurable display of results
- Manual operation support
- Fast switching between instrument setups
- Editor for trace mathematics
- Advanced measurement functionality
- Independent channels
- Convenient marker and analysis functions
- Integrated PC with Windows XP
- Highlights of the R&S®ZVB in production
- Integrated PC with Windows XP for automated procedures and data management
- Optimization of test and production sequences
- Mixer and harmonics measurements
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